Process Service in San Diego and Throughout California
Process Server in San Diego and Throughout California
The laws concerning process serving can be quite complex, in San Diego and elsewhere throughout the country. If the procedure is not carried out properly and according to law, it’s entirely possible that a case will be either delayed or thrown out entirely. People who are somehow involved in legal proceedings or an actual court case must be legally notified, and that is the duty of the process server. When you need process serving to be done by the book, so there are no legal complications, you should consider the experienced team of process servers, Serves You Right Attorney Services. Our personnel will ensure that everything is done legally and according to mandated guidelines, and will then present the recipient with a Proof of Service document to finalize the transaction.
Types of Documents We Serve
Divorce papers
Collection letters or debt letters
Demand Notices
Foreclosure actions
Summons and complaint
Motion serving
Citation serving
Small claims documents
If you have some other type of document not listed above, chances are we can serve that for you as well. Contact us to discuss the specific type of document, and we’ll be glad to advise you if it’s something we can handle for you.
The Process of Process Serving
Some recipients are aware that they will be served, and go to great lengths to avoid it. In situations like this, our specialists have been trained to continue following legal protocols, but to do whatever is necessary to accomplish the task. Sometimes, it becomes necessary to take extraordinary actions to carry out the process-serving:
Staking out the recipient's daily routine to learn their habits and regular actions
Skip-tracing to determine the most accurate and current address
Finding an opportune time for the process serving
When the recipient wants to avoid being served, it sometimes requires a considerable amount of research and digging to locate and pinpoint the whereabouts of the individual. Our specialists have been instructed to learn everything about the recipient, including their physical characteristics and appearance, as well as their address and phone number. It may also be necessary to learn the same information about their spouse, so as to have an alternate way of finding them. We also take the trouble to learn about their place of employment, and the type of vehicle they drive, since this information can be critical in locating them, and finding the right time for process-serving.
Contact Us
At Serves You Right Attorney Services, we understand the importance of carrying out the legal procedure of process serving according to strict guidelines laid down by the legal system. That’s why we leave no stone unturned in performing our duties within the letter of the law, and ensuring that the recipient is properly served. Contact us today to discuss your legal situation involving process serving, and the type of document you need to be served. You can count on our team getting the job done, and done right.